Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 2 - Part 2 "This is a train, Tyler"

After talking to Dave’s parents for a quick moment, Aaron, Dave and I headed to the train station so we could have lunch in Chicago. While driving through the outskirts of Chicago suburbs, I started inquiring how this train thing is going to go down. This was going to be my first time on a train and of course I anticipated screwing up the process of paying for a ticket and getting on. When we arrived, I asked where the bathroom was but apparently this is the only train station in the country without a bathroom. A few moments later we were boarding my first train ever. Dave chose some pretty sweet seats that faced each other but unfortunately they were pretty close together. I’m sorry for the blurriness of the photo but that’s Dave’s leg filling in the space between mine. I’m sure the people around us assumed we were very good friends or lovers.

Every stop was crowded with people in summer gear and beach attire even though the high today was 70 and Lake Michigan probably still has ice chunks in it. We made fun of those kids all day but ended up getting sun burned before the day was over. We walked from the train station to Gioradano’s because I demanded, “I want a pizza that requires a fork and knife to eat!” for lunch. The 70 degrees felt great in the sun but when we sat down in the shade it felt like a nice Iowa 32 degrees and of course Dave was the only one to bring a jacket. Anyway, you don’t want to hear every corner we walked around so here are some pictures of things you’ve probably seen before. 

If you remember this street from the Nintendo 64 game "Cruisin' USA" add 5 points to your total score.

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